Shema Baptist Celebrates 10 Years

Shema Baptist Church celebrated its 10th anniversary on Sunday, October 20.

Bro. Troy Fripp, the only pastor the church has ever had, says the church grew organically from a Bible Study held at his house. That makes it difficult to identify when the church officially began.

However, the former Faith Baptist Church of Americus partnered with Bro. Troy as a church sponsor during its early months. Shema then voted on its bylaws on Oct. 5, 2014.

The church met at the Friendship Baptist Association office before moving to the Warehouse in Ellaville GA. They later built on a property near GA Highway 19 South.

“It is our desire to be a church that encourages and helps people along life as they walk with God,” one church member wrote in a petition to join the Friendship Baptist Association. “Shema Baptist Church is about: Evangelism, Discipleship, and Building Strong Families.”

The church is named for a series of Scriptures that became central to the Jewish faith. It comes from Deuteronomy 6:4-9 which begins in Hebrew with shema, or “hear.”

4 Hear, Israel: Yahweh is our God. Yahweh is one. 5 You shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.

-Deuteronomy 6:4-5

The New Testament version of the passage, Matthew 22:37 is pasted over half of the church stage.

According to Bro. Troy the church was always meant to be nontraditional. They operate a thriving Wednesday night program for children and youth, but most of the adults meet in small groups at church member homes on that night.

“The most important thing is that we let the Holy Spirit move in and through us,” the pastor said during the celebration.

Former youth pastor Bro. Caleb Golden served as the guest speaker for the special service.

He challenged listeners to examine their lives to ensure they are living for Christ and to “hold firmly” to the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-3).

He used Galatians 5:19-23 to present two ways of living – the fruits of the world and the fruits of the Spirit.

“When you follow Christ, the life you’re living is obvious. Which list reflects the life you are currently living?” Bro. Caleb asked.

He stressed that the Gospel message is most important, adding that if you don’t start with Jesus then you won’t be able to produce godly fruit in your life.

“You can begin to live differently. You can cross the line today. You can go from death to life,” he said.


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