News and Updates

God is Still Calling People Into Ministry
Current Calling Total: 9
The FBA churches voted on a 3-year emphasis to ‘call out’ those who God has called into ministry. Since then, our FBA churches have hosted five special COTC services. 7 men have responded to a call to ministry at those services. 2 AIM Summer missionaries have also surrendered to the call. We still need prayer partners.

Pastor and Wives Christmas Banquet
Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024
Friendship Camp

Word & Way Quarterly
Our quarterly newsletter includes important updates, encouragement, and articles about our churches. Published in November, February, May, and August. You can read the most up-to-date version online.
Contact us to join our mailing list.
Our Ministries
As an Acts 1:8 association, our churches work together to share the gospel in our local community, within our state, and around the world. Our churches also support several ministries through the Friendship Baptist Association.