Calling Out the Called at Whitewater Baptist Church

Whitewater Baptist Church held the first-ever Calling out the Called service on April 14.

While Pastor Lance Bernard invited attendees to surrender to a call for ministry, he also preached on the necessity of first having a relationship with God.

He preached from 1 Samuel 3, where the boy Samuel is already serving in God’s temple. Despite this, he could not recognize God speaking directly to him.

“It just goes to show we can be doing some of the things God wants us to do and still not know God,” Bro. Lance preached.

A relationship includes learning to trust and obey God.

“Sometimes I miss what God is doing because I don’t have this attitude of, ‘Lord, speak to me,’” Bro. Lance confessed. He explained that sometimes His heart isn’t ready to do what God would say.

The Sunday has since sparked conversations on what it means to be in ministry.

Associational Missionary Charles Stoops says that’s what the emphasis Sundays are meant to do. “Let’s say only twelve people surrender to ministry at the end of three years. That already puts our association far ahead of others.”

It’s also generated a new direction for Whitewater Baptist Church, which is now looking to begin Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God study.

Bro. Lance thanks everyone in the association for their prayers before and during the service.

Calling out the Called is a three-year emphasis that invites Christians to respond to a call to ministry. The FBA’s biggest needs are pastors, worship leaders, and next generation leaders.

Prayer partners play an important role in asking God to prepare hearts for Calling out the Called.

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