The Open Seasoner Steak Dinner is returning later this year to the Americus, GA area.
Over 400 came last year – will this year be bigger?
40 men accepted Christ at the 2023 Season Opener Steak Dinner. It was night of fellowship, discipleship, and lots of door prizes. After seeing God at work, the FBA Men’s Ministry began planning for a seasonal event.
This year they have goals to make the event bigger with more space for food and people.
Buy your tickets now—and one for a friend!
Season Opener to a Spiritual Crusade
God has given our Associational Men’s Ministry a vision of following the Season Opener dinner with a 3-night crusade to be held Oct. 6-8.
“My goal is for those men who make a commitment on Saturday to have a place to go on Sunday,” said Bro. Scotty Jones.
“A revival is for a church. A crusade is for the lost. And the only way to do that is for the church to bring them,” he added.”
The revivals will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Look for an announcement soon on our crusade speakers.
Join the movement
There are 47 churches currently in the Friendship Baptist Association. Bro. Scotty wants to see half of those involved. Will your church be one of them?
Help is needed:
- Sharing about the event
- Donating door prizes
- Setting up
- Preparing food
- Serving
- Bringing people to the 3-Day Crusade
- Breaking down
- Sharing the event
Men’s Ministry Leaders – get a preview and eat some food
The planning committee is inviting all FBA churches to learn more about this event. Make plans now to attend a meeting on August 8 at 6:30p.m. at the FBA Office in Ellaville, GA.
Food will be provided.
Contact Bro. Scotty Jones for more information
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