Identified in Christ – Youth Night of Worship Report

“Jesus didn’t come to give you a makeover but a complete takeover. He made you a new creation in Christ,” said Bro. Tyler Taylor.

He spoke to a crowd of about twenty – not including adult chaperones – gathered at the Friendship Camp gymnasium for the night of worship.

The theme of the message was “Unidentified” and how easy it was to forget what it means to have an identity in Christ.

“If Jesus can save someone like Saul, he can save someone like you,” said Bro. Tyler after reading from one of Paul’s letters. “And Jesus wants to save someone like you.”

Night of Worship Highlights

Trent Mays shares about New Orleans Mission Trip

Trent Mays, the GSW BCM President, shared about the group’s Spring Break Mission Trip to New Orleans.

The BCM helped renovate a building that Hobby Lobby purchased for a church. You can find pictures from that trip and read about their experience on their Facebook page.

New Gaga Ball Arena

Friendship Camp purchased a gaga ball (sometimes called “arena ball” at our camps) pit for use this summer. The Night of Worship group demoed the inflatable pit, which is sure to be a big help for our Camp Directors this year.

Other Games

The youth played several other games with each other before going home for the night: capture-the-flag, dodgeball, line tag, and musical chairs. The teenagers competed intensely but the evening was also filled with good-natured high fives and laughter.

D-Now Weekend Planning

Bro. Tyler announced that he wants to do a whole Disciple Now weekend sometime next year, coordinated with other youth leaders in the area. Those planning meetings are not yet set.

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