Former AIM Missionary goes on to foreign missions

The faithful cooperation of Friendship Baptist Association (FBA) churches just launched one of our own “unto the ends of the earth”.

Abel Whittaker* and his wife Maggie are now serving as missionaries in an Eastern European country where they’ll be in the minority as Protestant Christians. Abel is from Butler, GA and grew up in an FBA church.

Every church within the association played a role in the Whittaker’s journey so far though.

Abel gave his life to the Lord at the age of eight. He attended Sunday school and VBS at his church, but he also named Friendship Camp as the most instrumental when it came to his early discipleship.

Friendship Camp has been an evangelism and discipleship tool for community children for nearly seven decades now. Abel attended camps directed by Bro. Lance Fendley, who was passionate about both camp ministry and encouraging youth to live on mission.

Boys’ camp attendance became a stepping stone to something greater: Abel attended N.O.M.A.D missions camp. From there, he plugged into the Advancing in Ministry – then called the Advancing in Missions – summer discipleship program.

That program began because the FBA recognized that God was working in the lives of youth at Friendship Camp. When churches give to the association, they also support this ministry.

“If it wasn’t for AIM, I likely would not be pursuing the Lord now. AIM was instrumental in my calling to the mission field,” Abel stated.

He added, “Discipleship is huge and it is up to each follower of Jesus to take part in it. All of us are called to share the Gospel and to build one another up and this happens through evangelism and discipleship.”

“Abel is a shining example of what happens when we allow youth to arise to places of leadership and give them the tools to be successful,” Associational Missionary Charles Stoops stated. “We look forward to the day when their story of God’s great work in and through their lives as International Missionaries will inspire another generation of youth here in our association.”

The AIM program is now known as Advancing in Ministry and is an FBA ministry meant to equip young adults who feel a deeper call from God to do something with their lives. It’s funded directly by FBA church giving.

More importantly, the program is supported with faithful prayers.

Abel and Maggie have asked that the churches continue to pray for them, especially that they would be bold from day one.

Read more about Abel and Maggie’s journey in the next paper edition of the Word & Way. Contact the FBA office about how to get on the mailing list.

*names changed to protect identities

An Eastern European village against the background of the Balkans. (Photo provided by the International Mission Board.)

An Eastern European woman clutches a Bible that was given to her by IMB missionaries and youth from a local congregation. (Photo provided by the International Mission Board.)

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