christian Index features friendship camp and hispanic missions

Friendship Baptist Association’s partnership with the Hispanic Missions camp was recently featured in The Christian Index. Check it out:

A unique partnership each summer in Southwest Georgia shows that church unity isn’t limited by cultural boundaries.

Twelve Hispanic churches gather each month for a time of fellowship and worship. The churches are scattered across central and Southwest Georgia, making it a truly unique cooperation. They call themselves “Churches Walking Together.”

It’s a good description of what they do each summer as they organize a camp for their children and youth with a special purpose.

“The point is to teach youth and see people go on missions around the world,” said Ovidio Cabrera, who heads the organization. Cabrera is also the Southern Regions Consultant for Hispanic churches for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board.

Churches Walking Together has put on this camp for many years, but they’ve gone through a lot of challenges to do it.

But a few years ago, the churches found a unique home at Friendship Camp.

– “A Unique Partnership in Southwest Georgia Bridges Cultures”
click to read more

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